Modifying Values

After finding and saving values, it is normal that you may want to modify them in some way. These values are called Stored Addresses (or Stored Values), and they are composed of a description (name), type, value, value (or values) when locked, and address (base and final). In MHS, addresses can be calculated 3 different ways. There are 5 total locking methods, and many Stored Addresses can be modified at once.

To modify Stored Addresses, select the address(es) you wish to modify and either double-click them or right-click one of them and select Modify.

The means of modifying Stored Values are so extensive they each have their own sections.


Deleting Stored Addresses

To delete Stored Addresses, select the items in the main list and press Del, or right-click them items and select the Delete.

Alternatively you can press the X toolbar button to delete the selected items, or select the trash icon to delete all items.


Inserting Addresses Manually

Addresses can be added manually by selecting the Search/Insert Address menu item or pressing Ins on the main list. You may also press the New toolbar button.


Saving/Loading Stored Addresses

Stored Addresses can be saved by hitting the Save icon on the toolbar or by selecting the File/Save (Ctrl-S) or File/Save As (Ctrl-A) menu items.

You can also save only certain Stored Addresses by selecting them in the main list and then selecting the File/Save Selected As (Ctrl-Shift-A).

You can reload saved addresses by clicking the Open toolbar button, or by selecting the File/Open Save File (Ctrl-O) menu item.

Multiple copies of Stored Addresses may exist in the list. Care should be taken to ensure they do not overlap each other with active locks as it is possible that the values may be locked multiple times per cycle, or that they are partially overwritten by another lock, yielding undesired results.


Moving Addresses

Selected addresses can be moved by a specific amount by right-clicking and selecting Move Selected from the pop-up menu. The offset may be positive or negative. This function moves values by adding (or subtracting) the amount specified to (or from) the Simple Address of the selected items. This means that if the Stored Value is using Complex Addresses or Script Addresses, the value will not be moved by this operation (however its Simple Address is still changed, and if the Simple Address is used in the GetFinalAddress() script function the Stored Value will still be able to move).



An Auto-Hack session can be started (or continued) by right-clicking items from the list and selecting Find What Accesses This Address, Find What Read This Address, or Find What Writes This Address. If software breakpoints are being used for Auto-Hack, only Find What Read This Address and Find What Writes This Address will be available. If hardware breakpoint are being used, Find What Accesses This Address and Find What Writes This Address will be available.

The Debugger is attached automatically if it is not already.

Copyright © 2006 Shawn (L. Spiro) Wilcoxen