Main Modifications

The main properties of a Stored Value are its description, value, type, lock type, lock value, and address. There is also a value indicating whether the lock is actually active or not. The main modification panel does not allow editing of addresses, as there are far too many options for addresses.


The general rule of thumb is that any field left blank, or any check left in an indeterminate state, will leave that field unmodified in the item(s) being modified.

Any fields initialized to blank or indeterminate implies that multiple values are being modified and they do not all have the same value for that field.


The following chart explains the general options.



Description Indicates the name/description of the item(s). This can be any string and any length. If left blank, the current descriptions for the Stored Addresses being modified remain unchanged. If multiple items are being modified and they do not all share the same description, this initializes to blank.
Add Array Indices to Multiple Items If multiple Stored Addresses are being modified at once, this will add a bracketed array index after each item, in the order in which they appear in the main list.



The following chart explains the value options.



Cur Value

The current value of the item(s) being modified. If multiple items are being modified and they do not all have the same text-decoded value, this is initialized to blank. If left (or set to) blank, each item being modified retains its current value.

It is possible for multiple values being modified to have different types. In such a case, the value here, if any, is cast to the type of each item individually. For example, if modifying two values and one is a byte and the other a float, a Cur Value of 3 would be cast to a byte for the first item (0x03) and a float for the second (0x40400000).

String types are binary in nature, and escape sequences are used to indicate any special characters in the string.

If a nonstandard type is selected, the Cur Value should be expressed as a hexadecimal string.

If the type is Pointer or Void, the Cur Value should be expressed as a hexadecimal numeric. For example, CAFEBABE. Note that Pointer types resolve to Void.

Type The type of the item(s) being modified. If multiple items are being modified and not all of their types are the same, this will initially be blank. Leaving it blank will cause each item to retain its current type.
Display as Unicode If the Type is set to String, the value of the item(s) can optionally use Unicode decoding for display. If this check is left indeterminate while modifying multiple items, all items will retain their current Unicode settings.



The following chart explains the lock options.



Lock Type

Indicates the type of lock to use on the item.



Exact The exact value supplied in the Exact Value field is written to RAM repeatedly to lock the item.
Range During locking, the current value of the item is obtained. If the value is lower than Low, Low is written to RAM. If the value is higher than High, High is written to RAM.
No Lower Than During locking, the current value of the item is obtained. If the value is lower than Minimum Value, Minimum Value is written to RAM.
No Greater Than During locking, the current value of the item is obtained. If the value is greater than Maximum Value, Maximum Value is written to RAM.
Lock (Indeterminate Check Leaves Item Locks As They Are) Determines if the lock is active or not. Leave in an indeterminate state to leave item locks as they are (applies only to modifying multiple Stored Addresses at once).



The base address, final address, and base module are shown for ease in copy/paste.

For more information on address calculation, base addresses, and final addresses, see Address Modifications.

Copyright © 2006 Shawn (L. Spiro) Wilcoxen