Suggestion: complex address in hotkeys

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Suggestion: complex address in hotkeys

Postby liqmysaq » Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:38 pm

the hotkeys are wonderful right now. only problem i have is if i need to use a pointer for the address, it wont allow the complex addresses. if i put a complex address it changes it to 0x0. the ability to use a complex address would be a nice add on.
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Postby mezzo » Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:42 pm

You can use complex addresses in LSS. Just write a script that locks or changes whatever you want and then attach it to the hotkey.
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Postby L. Spiro » Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:31 am

The method above is what you have to do.
If it was possible to make Hotkeys accept string input I would not have had to make a system using numbers in script function names for handling Hotkeys; I would have allowed the user to simply type the name of the function he or she wants to be called.

Everything has to work off simple numbers so you have to make an L. Spiro Script and use the EvalExp() script function to evaluate whatever complex address(es) you want.

Unless all you are wanting is to put in an expression into the hotkey field and have that evaluated to a simple number and used from there. I can add that.
But it will only be evaluated once when you create the hotkey, so it is of limited use and I don’t think I want to add something that pretends to be more useful than it is.

L. Spiro
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Postby liqmysaq » Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:14 am

i was afraid of that, now i gotta learn LSS, no more lazy bum for me hehe.

another suggestion with hotkeys: add in an option to change the locked value, not just the current value. im sure thats possible in LSS but i havent even looked yet.
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