saved table bug

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saved table bug

Postby liqmysaq » Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:35 am

after saving a table, when u load up the saved table the description reverts back to undescribed and (sometimes) the address is changed. i have about 27 addresses saved and up to 4 of them change upon loading. 1 of the addresses change just about every time. the other 3 probably about 1/3 times they change. im not sure what could be causing it, but it sure is annoying. especially when i havent written down the info yet and i have to re-find the hack from scratch. wont make that mistake agian! lol

i see nothing about this here.. and it seems there should be something. am i the only one who gets this?
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Postby L. Spiro » Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:44 am

Changing addresses is quite normal if you used a Complex Address or a Simple Address with a Module+Offset combination and the module moves.

Otherwise, it appears no one else has had this problem as I have never heard of it nor had it happen to me.
I will look into it after Cloverfield.

Be sure you are loading the same file you saved. Be sure you saved it.

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Postby liqmysaq » Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:54 am

this is lovely... i open my saved table and all my addresses are gone except for 1. i know for a fact i didnt delete them all then save it. its the same for my main table i use, and the backup i started making since the last problems. good thing i have everything written down :D
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Postby L. Spiro » Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:00 pm

I have tested loading old and new files and could not create any problems.

Send your save file to me via e-mail.

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Postby L. Spiro » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:21 am

The save file has no abnormalities that I can see.

But your address is a complex address, making it quite normal for the addresses to change.

Does it at least give an error when loading or saving?
By the way, it is not confirmed whether it is a loading bug or a saving bug.
You need to check the file size to determine if it was saved wrong or if it is just loading incorrectly. Try reloading multiple times to see if you get the same result and if you do, send the file along with a backup that represents how it should have been.

Furthermore, you should make a save file with at least 20 addresses, then copy it as a backup, then save and load it repeatedly until something happens. Then send both files via e-mail.
You may also check their sizes; if they are different it is a saving bug. If they are the same it is a loading bug.

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Postby liqmysaq » Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:32 am

i finally figured out what the problem is. its not with the saved table at all. the problem is when u add addresses from the found addresses window it overwrites the address if u already have it on your table. so it will change the name to Undescribed, change the type to whatever type u were searching for, changes the locked value.. etc. perhaps you could make it not overwrite an existing address on your table, instead put # or something in the name (eg. #Undescribed). that way u would know u already have that address in your table and it wouldnt ruin the address thats already there.

as u can see in the pic below, the zoom hack is float, with a unsigned long current value. notice u cant tell its been changed (other than the fact the current value is 4bytes). so u would save ur table and next time u load it up the name will be undescribed and type changed to unsigned long.
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