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L. Spiro, How can you create this incredible soft !

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:38 pm
by abcshijian
L. Spiro, How can you create this incredible soft !
English is not my mothertongue,forgive my poor English. By the way,I am a beginner of computer science. ( :( )
MHS is pretty useful and powerful.It can pass-by a lot of MMORPG.You even create a script language. It is really a big project. besides, I admire you computer knowledge. I don't know how long I spend can reach your level.
I want to improve my computer knowledeg by using MHS. :lol:

Re: L. Spiro, How can you create this incredible soft !

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:36 am
by L. Spiro
Thank you.

In order to learn you need a project that constantly challenges you and keeps you moving forward. With passion, everything else automatically follows.
And it needs to be fun.

As for catching up, I have programmed passionately for 14 years. If you program passionately it should take the same time. If you slack off and program by the average, it will take longer. It is up to you.

L. Spiro

Re: L. Spiro, How can you create this incredible soft !

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:26 am
by abcshijian
Thanks for you instruction. 14 years,it's really a pretty long time. I still have a long way to go.
I will insist on learning programme with passion.
Will you give me some guide if I come across some problems in programming?
I have a little knowledge of C language's syntax.I have learnd C language for two month and I never design a useful software ,just programme under the console environment with Windows.
That all my computer knowledge.(extremely poor :cry: )
Could you give me a list of books in programming?
Look forward to your reply...

Re: L. Spiro, How can you create this incredible soft !

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:54 am
by L. Spiro
I typically give programming advice when asked.
But I can not recommend many books as I have not read many books. I learned mostly on my own before going to college. While I learned somewhat useful things there, they did not go much above cin and cout, and the bulk of everything I know I learned on my own at work and on hobby projects.

L. Spiro

Re: L. Spiro, How can you create this incredible soft !

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:39 pm
by abcshijian
Thanks for your advice.
I know how to learn programme design. Just do it.
Thanks again!

Re: L. Spiro, How can you create this incredible soft !

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:39 pm
by nasrulkiki

u work as programmer?or software engineer ?or IT Technician Engineer?

Re: L. Spiro, How can you create this incredible soft !

PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:54 pm
by L. Spiro
I am chief of technology, senior programmer, and manager at my current company.

I have worked for Ubisoft, Atari, Eidos, Vivendi Universal, and Lucas Arts.

I was a developer on such games as Heroes of Might and Magic (original, II, and III), Ghost Recon 2, Leisure Suit Larry, HOT PIXEL, Catz 5, Dogz 5, Ready Steady Cook, 187 Ride or Die, Imagine Happy Cooking, some Star Wars games, and some others.
In the past I have been a game programmer, team lead, designer, sound technician, graphics artist, producer, and head of game department.

L. Spiro

Re: L. Spiro, How can you create this incredible soft !

PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:53 pm
by nasrulkiki
wow :shock: :shock:
thats cool,
im live in malaysia and game development still not so popular,
i wish to study about game development,software,program and any other(computer program) except for one thing,HARDWARE,

any advice?
there is no gov. university in my country give us course like game development,
only college's provide that course,its really sux,well u know college fees is very expensive than university

i hope u can gave me an advice from the first step ,

Re: L. Spiro, How can you create this incredible soft !

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:25 am
by L. Spiro
There is a gaming industry in Malaysia. I know; I have done game business in Malaysia.

The Malaysian government allows game companies to be tax-exempt, and I have no doubt there are game schools or at least game courses, since the Malaysian government is interested in becoming a major player in the world of game development.

Game Brains is the best game-development studio in Malaysia. I visited their office on the 60-something-th floor of the Petronas towers, however their office has moved since then due to expansion. Fun fact: Most of the Hex Editor in MHS was developed in Malaysia during that business trip.

You could also leave Malaysia. There are plenty of studios in Thailand, including Sanuk Games Inc., CoreCell, ProGaming Co., Ltd., Lumai Prod, RingZero Game Studio, etc.
Tons of Malaysians and Indians have moved to Thailand and there is no reason you cannot either.

All you need is a course in IT. The best courses will obviously be related to game programming, but computer science is an acceptable fallback.

L. Spiro

Re: L. Spiro, How can you create this incredible soft !

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:53 pm
by abcshijian
L. Spiro wrote:I am chief of technology, senior programmer, and manager at my current company.

I have worked for Ubisoft, Atari, Eidos, Vivendi Universal, and Lucas Arts.

I was a developer on such games as Heroes of Might and Magic (original, II, and III), Ghost Recon 2, Leisure Suit Larry, HOT PIXEL, Catz 5, Dogz 5, Ready Steady Cook, 187 Ride or Die, Imagine Happy Cooking, some Star Wars games, and some others.
In the past I have been a game programmer, team lead, designer, sound technician, graphics artist, producer, and head of game department.

L. Spiro

:shock: Cooool !
I admire u so much