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WOW! No new MHS since August Spiro?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:44 am
by esco
You are getting soft man.... keep going like this and people are gonna say you fell off! Lol, how have you been bro, I'm assuming that your health has improved and that the girls are still being just as sweet to you as before right? :P Anyway, just wanted to drop bye and say wussup since I haven't been around in a while. It looks like this place got a lot more lively lately, compared to back in the day.

P.S. That drawing you were working on is baddass(on the main page). I'm assuming you did that all on the computer, can you put up an updated pic so we can see how it progressed?


PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:31 am
by Cookie
Can't blame Spiro for it,MHS works perfectly and it doesn't even feel like it needs some crucial updates atm,at least no one complained about it (and never will [OR ELSE ])

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:03 pm
by L. Spiro
I have been relatively fine. The girls of Japan have not let up since your last post; you would not believe some of the girls I have been meeting. My health has not improved overall, as I had surgery several months ago and continue to have breathing problems to this day.

I have definitely not gotten soft, I just work on another project instead.

Since your last post:
A company saw the game engine I mentioned previously, hired me immediately, and now pays me to finish it. On top of being paid to work on my hobby project, I get half of the profits it brings to the company, which is roughly $1,000,000 annually (my half, that is). Donations are still welcome.

I met with the composer for Metal Gear Solid 3 and may begin making professional music. I will release 1 CD of classical piano solos (under my real name) and 2 CD's of original digital music (under my stage name (which is L. Spiro)). I may also make game music. I will post several YouTube videos of me on piano when I get my new computer.

I am considering rewriting MHS from scratch. I would have already started but then I remembered I would have to rewrite all of L. Spiro Script in order to do that. Slowly I am convincing myself it is worth the effort and in a few months I should finally be convinced.

That is mostly it for me; what about for you?
I assume your Castlevania mod is still popular.

L. Spiro

P. S.: The drawing on my home page is done with pencil and paper using the old-fashioned methods of applying graphite by hand. The image itself is a link where you can see that drawing in its most recent form and more of my drawings.

Image Image Image

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:44 pm
by XxNyxheroxX
So, where will you publish your CD-s, Japan?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:58 pm
by L. Spiro
Probably America, Europe, and Japan.

L. Spiro

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:55 pm
by tiduswong
Rest more before working considering about your lungs ^^

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:48 am
by Cookie
He will be playing the piano,he won't use his voice,i think ;p

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:25 am
by esco
Well I'm sorry to hear that your health has not improved man, but at least now your not stuck in a hospital bed for days. I can barely spend a day in those god-forsaken places. As for the girls, well it's good to hear that you are getting yours man, and if you are making all the money that you say you are, believe me when I say even more will keep coming your way! ;)

Lol why in the world would you STILL need donations making 1 million a year? :D

Yeah, let me know when you put the vids up. But I warn you.... I tend to BOOTLEG music rather than pay for it. :P Come to think of it you have obviously seen my pic, but I have never actually seen yours too so that should make it even more interesting.

And christ man, I can't believe that you DREW that picture of that model with the hat on... that thing looks like something made on a computer, it's just so detailed and sharp looking. The hair on the 2nd one looks amazing, but her face looks fake for some reason (I can't explain why)and the velociraptor pic is just badass. ESPECIALLY it's eye.

Why exactly were you thinking of rewriting MHS's code? To speed it up more? Honestly that is the only issue I have is due to my MASSIVE script file (1.2 mb) it takes forever to load it up, otherwise the thing is just as amazing as it was on day one. I actually just started messing with the hack again yesterday (I took a 6 month break) but a LOT of people still really seem to want to see it. It's amazing the things that I can do with your tool!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:25 am
by L. Spiro
Thank you (art).
Maybe some day I will finish it.

I will rewrite MHS because the code is mostly so sloppy I can not stand to work with it anymore, and that is why there are no more updates.
One last rewrite should suffice.
MHS is by far the most stable searcher there is, but it still has crashes, specifically in scripts and in the Code Filter.

Additionally, I can make scripts load much faster with my current experience.
It is surprising to know that your scripts are so large; it was theoretically impossible for them to get so large due to a critical flaw in the compiler, which is one more reason it has to be rewritten from scratch. But I have still never encountered that theoretical limit, so you can rest easy for a while.

L. Spiro

Re: WOW! No new MHS since August Spiro?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:49 pm
by varemenos
@tiduswong you have a signature larger than an essay. Do you know what signature means?
sorry for this but wtf..

Re: WOW! No new MHS since August Spiro?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:47 pm
by Cookie
That means he still needs to learn teh true ways of forum trolling =_=.

Re: WOW! No new MHS since August Spiro?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:26 pm
by tiduswong
So there will still be new version of mhs releasing by L.Spiro but in the meant time he will be rewritten from a scratch.


Yes i do...

I love picture...

Re: WOW! No new MHS since August Spiro?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:55 pm
by g3nuin3
A rewrite sounds nice, especially now that youll be able to make it stable on the later systems...def would be worth it..the userbase awaits :), btw nice new forum upgrade..

Re: WOW! No new MHS since August Spiro?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:35 pm
by esco
Lol, well relatively speaking my scripts aren't THAT big are they? I mean the largest I have is only 2000 lines, and that is including comments, struct (one has about 100 entries), empty spaces, etc. Compared to code for an actual program, that isn't much. Either way though I haven't seen issues YET.

I do have a question.... I was trying to transfer the info from one structure to another but when I compile I keep getting various errors. What I want to do is take all the values in currentenemy2 and assign them to currentenemy, when whichvar is equal to 2. I searched over the net and tried many things, but none of them seem to work. They are both of type SPRITE, so how do I properly do this in your script?

//these 3 vars are declared globally
int whichvar;
extern SPRITE enemy[1] = { "", 0x0062d118 +0x003951e0};
extern SPRITE enemy2[1] = { "", 0x0062dcd8 +0x003951e0};
//function with an example of one thing that I tried to do that failed :(
void blah()
extern SPRITE currentenemy = { "", &enemy[count]};
extern SPRITE currentenemy2 = { "", &enemy2[count]};

if (whichvar == 2) {currentenemy = currentenemy2;}

Also, I intend to add a structure into your structure builder. But let's say that for 1 of the entries in the structure I want to be able to assign a different name to it in some of the scripts

So for example here is the structure:
struct SPRITE {
SHORT atknum;
SHORT usertag10;
SHORT usertag9;
SHORT usertag8;
SHORT usertag7;
SHORT usertag6;
SHORT usertag5;
SHORT usertag4;
SHORT boneswordtag;
SHORT fivetag;
SHORT novaballs;
SHORT tag1;
SHORT boom;

extern SPRITE currentenemy = { "", &enemy[count]};

In Script 1 I use currentenemy.novaballs, but in script 2, instead of currentenemy.novaballs I want to call it currentenemy.iceballs. How do I assign a different name to this structure entry just for this 1 script? Is this doable or do I need to just create this same structure more than once with different names for the desired slots in the struct builder?

And if I do declare my structure in your struct builder where is this info saved at so the next time you release a new version of mhs (or when I finally release the hack) I know which file to copy and save.

Also.... KUDOS on the help file.... I have learned a # of things in general about programming just from reading it. Very helpful.

Re: WOW! No new MHS since August Spiro?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:40 pm
by L. Spiro
To perform an external memory copy:

Code: Select all
BYTE bBuffer[sizeof( SPRITE )];
ReadProcessMemory( GetCurProcessHandle(), (LPCVOID)&currentenemy, bBuffer, sizeof( SPRITE ), NULL );
WriteProcessMemory( GetCurProcessHandle(), (LPVOID)&currentenemy2, bBuffer, sizeof( SPRITE ), NULL );

cTypes.lsct saves Struct-Builder information.

Use a union to declare a structure with a member that has multiple names.
Code: Select all
   struct SPRITE {
      DWORD dwAwesome;
      union {
         DWORD novaballs;
         DWORD iceballs;
         DWORD balls;
      } u;

L. Spiro