Open for Debug

MHS allows you to open a process and begin debugging it immediately before it has a chance to perform any start-up execution. This is especially useful for watching the initialization routines of other processes. Open the Open for Debug dialog by selecting the File/Open for Debug menu item.


Getting Started

The Open for Debug dialog allows you to browse for and open any executable file. The file path may be relative to the working directoy of MHS. For example ..\Game.exe might be valid if Game.exe is one directory above the MHS executable. All paths are stored for easy access later.

You can optionally supply a command line to be passed to the new process on execution. All command lines are remembered and are associated with the process on which they were last used, so when you select a process that you have selected before, the last command line you used on that process will be shown as well.


Pausing the Process

You have the option of pausing the process when it is loaded. You can perform this by either checking the Pause After Load check, or by writing the On_BeginDebug() script function and returning TRUE. By returning TRUE from the On_BeginDebug() script function, the process will be paused, even if Pause After Load is not checked. The script function allows you to check the process name and perform per-process operations, including any modifications to the process’ data or code, and setting up any script variables you would like to use during the debugging of the process.

For more information on the On_BeginDebug event, see Script Events.

Copyright © 2006 Shawn (L. Spiro) Wilcoxen