
The Converter is one of the most useful tools for general hacking. It allows you to quickly convert from any type to any other type, in both big and little endian. The left side is Intel® (little endian) and the right side is Motorola® (big endian).

Alternative displays change the output for strings, floats, and doubles. Strings will be represented using control-escape sequences where appropriate to create a string that can be copied into code. Floats and doubles will be represented in scientific notation. The Converter can be opened by either selecting the Tools/Converter menu item or by hitting the Converter toolbar button.


Additional Notes

The Converter may be used to convert integers to hexadecimal for code. Because the notation used when writing hexadecimal numbers in code is reversed of how they are stored, you should get the hexadecimal sequence from the side opposite the one used to enter the number you wish to convert. For example, in the picture above, the 1,113,128,960 integer is represented as 0x42590000 (taken from the opposite side) and the 22,850 integer is 0x5942. This applies to all types but String and Binary, whose hexadecimal equivilants will be on the same side.

Copyright © 2006 Shawn (L. Spiro) Wilcoxen